Ongoing Bridge Projects: 3

Success Product Launches: >10

Industries: 3

Multinationals: 6 

Intellectual Property: 1

Certificates & Awards: Priceless

RSM Erasmus, Harvard, INSEAD, IMD (Switzerland)  logos

Winner Communicate Talent  picture of Karnika, video link.

Viva 400 most successful Women Netherlands

SCRUM Product Owner

Passionate Speaker

Our Story / What We do

At BridgeInsight, our team is dedicated to fostering sustained growth for our partners. Our goal is to harness ecosystems to achieve optimized growth strategies. But what exactly is an ecosystem? It’s collaborative networks within or parallel to an industry, leading to solutions that provide more value for users than individual components. Through our specialized vision, in depth market knowledge and extensive network, we build bridges, orchestrating successful matchmaking and deployment of solutions while prioritizing the interests of each party involved in the project.

We firmly believe that collaborative solutions can yield 30% to 100% higher value than standalone offerings. Let us help you realize that value. By leveraging your strengths and those of your BridgeProject partners, we can create mutual value together. Our process begins with cleaning house and refining the target before diving into solution mode.

The industries we focus on are experiencing disruption from various angles. Over the past decade, we’ve been on a trajectory of innovation and combining innovations. While the pandemic brought temporary extraordinary growth for some, sustained growth has been challenging, with limited volume growth despite price peaks. To navigate the path forward, consider strategies to:

Step 1 : Leverage Organic Growth: Grow by optimizing your own resources, processes, and offerings.

Step 2 : Expand with Ecosystems: Develop new solution offerings driven by ecosystems to achieve speed to market, higher value, and a wider customer base.

We provide the necessary time, resources, networks, and toolkit to devise and deploy a distinctive approach to impactful growth through collaboration. Rather than driving investment and innovation alone, which may not yield desired returns, let’s realize the extra value you can attain through one of our BridgeProjects.

What people say about us

Karnika was highly successful in scouting marketing growth segments and aligning cross functional resources to execute programs globally.
I was impressed with her ability to take market research from multiple sources, summarize the relevant information, and present it with a recommended path forward to approach the audience.
As a leader, Karnika is a great communicator. She is also very skilled at motivating a team to push beyond the status quo and challenge what can be done.